and, as such, a model for the life of the members of the Order.
The Virgin of the Magnificat
proclaims the break with the old order and
announces the beginning of a new order
in which God
casts the mighty down from their thrones
exalts the poor.
Mary places herself on the side of the poor
proclaims how God acts in history.
For Secular Carmelites,
Mary is a model of total commitment to God’s Kingdom.
She teaches us
to listen to God’s Word in Scripture and in life,
to believe in it in every circumstance in order to live its demands.
All this she did,
without understanding many things;
pondering all in her heart ( Lk 2:19,
Lk 2:50-51 )
until light dawned through contemplative prayer.
30. Mary is also an ideal and inspiration for the Secular Carmelite.
She lived close to people and their needs,
being concerned about them
( Lk 1:39-45;
Jn 2:1-12;
Ac 1:14 ).
She, the “most perfect image
of freedom and of the liberation
of humanity and of the universe,” [56]
[56] Redemptoris Mater 37
helps us understand the meaning of mission.
She, Mother and Sister,
who goes before us
in a pilgrimage of faith and
in following the Lord Jesus,
keeps us company
so that we may imitate her life
hidden in Christ and
committed to the service of others.
31. While giving life to Teresian Carmelite spirituality,
Mary’s presence also shapes its apostolate.
As a result, the Secular Carmelite is committed
to knowing Mary better, daily, through the Gospel
to communicate to others an authentic Marian devotion
leading to imitating her virtues.
Guided by the outlook of faith,
members of the Secular Order will celebrate and promote
the liturgical devotion to the Mother of God
in light of the mystery of Christ and the Church.
They will practice, in faith and love,
the devotional exercises in her honour.
31 - a)
In the Teresian Carmel
love of Mary, Mother and Queen,
is united with
love of her spouse, Saint Joseph.
The Father also gave him, "a just man "
(Mt 1:19),
guardianship of his Son Jesus Christ
in the mystery of the Incarnation.
Following the example of St. Teresa,
members can find in St. Joseph
a role model for a life
of humble adoration
and prayerful communion with Jesus,
as well as
a master of prayer [57]
and silence .
[57] Cf. St. Teresa of Jesus,
Life, 6,6‐8;
[57] Cf. St. Teresa of Jesus,
Life, 33,12.
[57] Cf. John Paul II,
Redemptor Custos, 25. 27.
Patron of the interior life,
he is an example
of faith and
of being "constantly attentive to God,
open to the signs of God’s presence
receptive to God’s plans”. [58]
[58] Francis,
Homily for the inauguration of his Pontificate,
19 March 2013.
Being a chaste and faithful spouse,
he is the model
of a father solicitous in care of the family,
of a responsible laborer
who considers his work as an "expression of love". [59]
[59] John Paul II,
Redemptoris Custos, 22‐23.
In communion with the Church and the Order,
who venerate him
as their "provident Protector", [60]
[60] Constitutions of the OCD Friars, 52;
[60] cf. Constitutions of the Discalced Carmelites, 59.
members of the Secular Order
find in Saint Joseph an incomparable protector
to whom they can entrust
the hopes, the struggles and
the work of every day. [61]
“St. Joseph is the model of those humble ones
that Christianity raises up to great destinies;
… he is the proof that in order to be
a good and genuine follower of Christ,
there is no need for great things
– it is enough to have the common,
simple and human virtues,
but they need to be true and authentic.”
( Paul VI Insegnamenti VII, 1969,
cited in John Paul II, Redemptoris Custos, 24 ).
Additional Readings