25. “The lay faithful,
precisely because they are members of the Church,
have the vocation and mission
of proclaiming the Gospel:
of proclaiming the Gospel:
They are prepared for this work
by the sacraments of Christian Initiation and
by the gifts of the Holy Spirit” [48].
[48] CL 33
The spirituality of Carmel will awaken in Secular Carmelites
a desire for greater apostolic commitment,
in becoming aware of all that their call to Carmel implies.
Aware of the need the world has
of witnesses to God’s presence [49]
[49] Apostolicam Actuositatem
AA 4,
AA 10,
Christifideles Laici
CL 16-17,
CL 25,
CL 28-29
they will respond to the invitation the Church directs
to all Associations of the faithful followers of Christ,
committing them to human society
by means of active participation in the apostolic goal
of the Church’s mission,
within the framework of their own charism.
As a fruit of this participation in evangelization,
Carmelite Seculars will share a renewed taste for
contemplation and the
liturgical and sacramental life.
26. The vocation to the Secular Order is truly ecclesial.
Prayer and apostolate,
when they are true, are inseparable.
The observation of St Teresa
that the purpose of prayer is
“the birth of good works” [50] that the purpose of prayer is
[50] IC V: 3:11; Interior castle
[50] cf. IC VII: 3. Interior Castle
reminds the Secular Order
that graces received ought to have an effect
on those who receive them [51].
[51]. Cf. AA 2 - 3
Individually or as a community
and, above all as members of the Church,
apostolic activity is the fruit of prayer.
apostolic activity is the fruit of prayer.
Where possible,
in collaboration with religious superiors and
in collaboration with religious superiors and
with the necessary permissions of those in charge,
the communities of the Secular Order
participate in the apostolate of the Order
participate in the apostolate of the Order
27. The Carmelite Secular is called
to live and witness the charism of the Teresian Carmel
in the local Church,
that portion of the People of God
in which the Church of Christ is truly present and acts. [52]
[52]. CD Christus Dominus 11
[52] AA Apostolicam Actuositatem 26
[52] CL Christifideles Laici 25
All will try to
be living witnesses of God’s presence and
accept responsibility for the need the Church has
of concrete help within the pastoral concerns
in its evangelising mission
under the direction of the bishop.
under the direction of the bishop.
For this reason, each one will have an apostolate
either collaborating with others in the community
or individually.
or individually.
28. To their apostolic commitment they will bring
the wealth of their spirituality
in the various forms it takes in evangelization:
houses of prayer,
Spirituality Institutes,
prayer groups,
the ministry of spirituality.
the ministry of spirituality.
With their particular contribution as Secular Carmelites
they can offer the Teresian Carmel
fresh inspiration for
“a renewed spiritual and apostolic dynamism”, [53]
with creative fidelity to their mission in the Church.
fresh inspiration for
“a renewed spiritual and apostolic dynamism”, [53]
with creative fidelity to their mission in the Church.
[53]. VC 55.
The different apostolic activities of the Secular Order
will be specified and evaluated in the Particular Statutes
for the various geographical areas [54].
[54]. OCDS Rule of Life (1979) art. 8
Order of Secular Discalced Carmelites ( Secular Carmelite Rule of Life ) Section 1 Our Identity, Values, and Committment Section 11 Following Jesus in the Teresian Secular Carmel Section 111 Witness to the experience of God Section 1V Serving God's Plan Section V With Mary, the Mother of Jesus |