24 - a)
The Church,
the family of God
Who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
is a mystery of communion. [21]
[21] Cf. Vatican Council II,
Lumen Gentium, 4
[21] Gaudium et spes, 24;
[21] Ratio Institutionis OCDS, 25.
[21] Congregation for the Institutes of
Consecrated Life and Societies
of Apostolic Life,
Congregavit in uno Christi amor, 8‐9.
this Trinitarian love and
the vocation to participate in a communion of love
with the Most Holy Trinity;
This is something to which every human person
created in God’s image and likeness
(cf. Gen 1:26-27)
is called.
In the light of this mystery,
the true identity and dignity
of every human being, and specifically
of every member of the Church,
is revealed. [22]
[22] John Paul II, Christifideles Laici, 8.
the human person grows and matures
by being in an authentic relationship
with God and with others. [23]
[23] Vatican Council II,
Gaudium et Spes, 23;
[23] Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace,
Compendium of the Social Doctrine
of the Church, 34.
[23] Cf. Benedict XVI,
Caritas in Veritate, 54.
[23] Cf. n. 34. (Caritas in Veritate,34)
Therefore, the local community of the Secular Order
of the Teresian Carmel,
a visible sign of the Church and of the Order, [24]
[24] Cf. OCDS Constitutions, 40.
personal and communal fellowship with God
in Christ and
in the Spirit and with other brothers and sisters
(cf. Rom 8:29)
The person of Christ is at the center of the Community.
Members meet regularly in His name,
(cf. Mt 18:20)
the group formed by Jesus and the twelve Apostles
(cf. Mc 3,14-16.34-35) [25]
Way of Perfection, 24,5
Way of Perfection, 26,1;
Way of Perfection, 27,6.
[25] Way of Perfection (Escorial), 20,1..
the early Christian communities
( cf. Acts 2:42 )
the unity requested by Jesus
(Jn 17:20-23)
to love as He loves them
(Jn 13:34).
[26] Cf. OCDS Constitutions, 11.
of the evangelical counsels,
of the Beatitudes
(Mt 5:1-12 )
of the Christian virtues
( cf. Col 3:12-17 )
in the awareness
that this reality of communion
is an integral part of Carmelite spirituality.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
24 - b )
St. Teresa of Jesus initiated
a new model of community life.
Her ideal of community life is based
on the certainty of faith
that the Risen Jesus is
in the midst of the community
that it lives under the protection
of the Virgin Mary. [27]
[27] Cf. St. Teresa of Jesus,
Life, 32,11;
She is aware that she and her nuns are gathered together
to help the Church and
to collaborate in its mission.
Relations are marked
by the virtues of a love
that is genuine, gratuitous, free and unselfish,
as well as
by detachment and humility.
These are fundamental virtues
for the spiritual life and
they bring peace both internally and externally. [28]
[28] St. Teresa,
Way, 4,4.
Way, 4, 11;
[28] St. Teresa,
Way, 6‐7
Teresa is aware of
the importance of mutual support
on the road of prayer
the importance of friendship with others
in the common search for God. [29]
[29] Cf. St. Teresa of Jesus,
Life, 15,5;
Life, 23,4;
She also considers as fundamental to such friendship,
culture, the human virtues, gentleness, empathy,
prudence, discretion, simplicity, kindness, joy
and availability,
as we seek
to "walk in truth before God and people". [30]
[30] Cf. St. Teresa of Jesus,
Mansions, VI, 10,6;
Way 40,3;
Way 41,7.
The doctrine of St. John of the Cross
points to union with God
by means of the theological virtues. [31]
[31] Cf. St. John of the Cross,
Ascent of Mount Carmel, II, 6, 1:1;
[31] Cf. St. John of the Cross,
Precautions, 5.
Based on this principle,
the Saint also sees
the purifying and unifying effect
of the theological virtues
in sisterly and brotherly relations.
This is particularly so in the exercise of love for others:
"Where there is no love,
put love,
and you will draw out love”,
because that is what the Lord does:
by loving us,
He makes us capable of loving. [32]
[32] St. John of the Cross,
Letter 26 to M. Maria of the Incarnation,
6 July 1591;
cf. Letter 30, to a religious of Segovia;
[32] St. John of the Cross,
Ascent, III, 23,1;
Dark Night, I, 2,1
Dark Night I, 5,2
Dark Night, I, 7,1
Dark Night I, 12,7‐8
Cf. Sayings, 27.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
24 - c )
A person, loyal to their Christian faith,
begins to be part of the Secular Order
through the promise made to the Community
before the Superior of the Order. [33]
[33] Cf. OCDS Constitutions, 12.
With the promise
a person is committed to live in communion
with the Church,
with the Order,
with the Province
and especially
with those who are part of the Community,
loving them and encouraging them
in the practice of the virtues. [34]
[34] Cf. Mansions, VII, 4, 14‐15.
In smaller communities [35]
[35] Cf. OCDS Constitutions, 58g
[35] and the Provincial Statutes
on the maximum number of members
in a Community.
it is possible to establish
a true and deep relationship of
human and spiritual friendship,
as well as
mutual support in charity and humility.
St. Teresa appreciates the assistance of another
in the spiritual life:
Love grows where there is respectful dialogue,
the purpose of which is
to know oneself better
so as to be pleasing to God. [36]
[36] Cf. St. Teresa, Life, 7,22
Community meetings take place
in a congenial atmosphere
of dialogue and sharing. [37]
[37] Cf. OCDS Constitutions, 18.
Prayer, formation and a joyful atmosphere are essential
for deepening friendly relationships and
ensuring for everyone mutual support
in the daily living-out
of the Teresian Carmelite lay vocation
in the family, at work and in other social situations.
This requires regular and active participation
in the life and meetings of the Community.
Absences are only allowed
for serious and just reasons,
evaluated and agreed to with those in charge.
The Provincial Statutes are to establish
a limit on unjustifiable absences,
beyond which, an individual will be considered
inactive and
liable for dismissal from the Community.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
24 - d )
The collective and individual responsibility
of the Community for formation [38]
[38] OCDS Raatio, 28.
commit to fraternal communion,
in the belief that a spirituality of communion [39]
[39] John Paul II,
Novo millennio ineunte, 43.
deepening of the spiritual life and
formation process of the members.
The Eucharistic life,
lived in faith, [40]
[40] Francis, Lumen Fidei, 40.
[41] Benedict XVI,
Verbum Domini, 84‐85.
Cf. Id., Sacramentum Caritatis, 76. 82. 89.
The local authority of the Community
fulfills its service in faith, love and humility
( cf. Mt 20:28 )
a familial atmosphere
as well as
the human and spiritual growth of all the members.
It promotes
dialogue, personal sacrifice,
forgiveness and reconciliation.
It avoids all attachment to power and favoritism
in the exercise of office.
Prayer for one another,
mutual concern
that includes instances where there is
material need,
contact with members who are far away,
visiting the sick, the suffering, the elderly, and
prayer for the deceased members,
are also signs of communion.
The Secular Carmelite also
realizes and expresses communion
through meeting and solidarity with other communities,
especially within the same Province or Circumscription,
as well as through communication and collaboration
with the entire Order and family of the Teresian Carmel.
So, with this witness to communion
in accordance with the Teresian charism,
the Community of Secular Carmel cooperates
with the evangelizing mission of the Church
in the midst of the world. [42]
[42] Vatican Council II,
Apostolicam Actuositatem, 13
Apostolicam actuositatem, 19
Christifideles Laici, 31‐32;
24 -e )
A community that devoutly seeks God,
will find the balance between
individual rights
the good of the community as a whole.
Thus the rights and needs
of each of the members
must be respected and safeguarded
according to the laws of the Church, [43]
[43] Cf. Code of Canon Law,
can. 208‐223;
can. 224‐231.
members must faithfully fulfill their duties
in relation to the community,
as laid down in the Constitutions.
In order to dismiss a member [44]
[44] Cf. Code of Canon Law, can. 308;
( public rejection of the Catholic faith,
abandonment of ecclesiastical communion, or
being under imposed or declared excommunication )
[45] Code of Canon Law,
can. 316 §1.
the Community Council should observe
the following procedure:
1) verify the certainty of the facts;
2) warn the member in writing,
or, before two witnesses;
3) allow a reasonable time for repentance.
If after all this there is no change,
it is permitted,
after consulting the Provincial,
to proceed with the dismissal.
In all cases,
the member retains the right to appeal
to the competent ecclesiastical authority. [46]
[46] Id., can. 316 §2.
after a serious evaluation and discernment
with the Community Council,
comes to the decision to voluntarily leave the Community,
the request is to be made in writing
to the competent authority of the Community,
to whom they are committed
by reason of their promises. [47]
[47] Cf. OCDS Constitutions, 12.
The Provincial is to be informed of all of this.
24 - a)
The Church,
the family of God
Who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
is a mystery of communion. [21]
[21] Cf. Vatican Council II,
Lumen Gentium, 4
[21] Gaudium et spes, 24;
[21] cf. John Paul II, Christifideles Laici, 19.
[21] Ratio Institutionis OCDS, 25.
[21] Congregation for the Institutes of
Consecrated Life and Societies
of Apostolic Life,
Congregavit in uno Christi amor, 8‐9.
In fact, Jesus came among us to reveal to us
this Trinitarian love and
the vocation to participate in a communion of love
with the Most Holy Trinity;
This is something to which every human person
created in God’s image and likeness
(cf. Gen 1:26-27)
is called.
In the light of this mystery,
the true identity and dignity
of every human being, and specifically
of every member of the Church,
is revealed. [22]
[22] John Paul II, Christifideles Laici, 8.
Being spiritual in nature,
the human person grows and matures
by being in an authentic relationship
with God and with others. [23]
[23] Vatican Council II,
Gaudium et Spes, 23;
[23] Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace,
Compendium of the Social Doctrine
of the Church, 34.
[23] Cf. Benedict XVI,
Caritas in Veritate, 54.
[23] Cf. n. 34. (Caritas in Veritate,34)
Therefore, the local community of the Secular Order
of the Teresian Carmel,
a visible sign of the Church and of the Order, [24]
[24] Cf. OCDS Constitutions, 40.
is a place to live and promote
personal and communal fellowship with God
in Christ and
in the Spirit and with other brothers and sisters
(cf. Rom 8:29)
in accordance with the Teresian charism.
The person of Christ is at the center of the Community.
Members meet regularly in His name,
(cf. Mt 18:20)
drawing inspiration from
the group formed by Jesus and the twelve Apostles
(cf. Mc 3,14-16.34-35) [25]
[25] Cf. St. Teresa of Jesus,
Way of Perfection, 24,5
[25] Cf. St. Teresa of Jesus,
Way of Perfection, 26,1;
[25] Cf. St. Teresa of Jesus,
Way of Perfection, 27,6.
[25] Way of Perfection (Escorial), 20,1..
as well as
the early Christian communities
( cf. Acts 2:42 )
( cf. Acts 4, 32-35 )
They seek to live in accordance with
the unity requested by Jesus
(Jn 17:20-23)
and His commandment
to love as He loves them
(Jn 13:34).
They promise to strive for evangelical perfection [26]
[26] Cf. OCDS Constitutions, 11.
in the spirit
of the evangelical counsels,
of the Beatitudes
(Mt 5:1-12 )
of the Christian virtues
( cf. Col 3:12-17 )
( cf. Phil 2:15 ),
in the awareness
that this reality of communion
is an integral part of Carmelite spirituality.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
24 - b )
St. Teresa of Jesus initiated
a new model of community life.
Her ideal of community life is based
on the certainty of faith
that the Risen Jesus is
in the midst of the community
that it lives under the protection
of the Virgin Mary. [27]
[27] Cf. St. Teresa of Jesus,
Life, 32,11;
[27] Way of Perfection, 17,7
[27] Way of Perfection, 1,5;
[27] Way of Perfection, 3,1
She is aware that she and her nuns are gathered together
to help the Church and
to collaborate in its mission.
Relations are marked
by the virtues of a love
that is genuine, gratuitous, free and unselfish,
as well as
by detachment and humility.
These are fundamental virtues
for the spiritual life and
they bring peace both internally and externally. [28]
[28] St. Teresa,
Way, 4,4.
[28] St. Teresa,
Way, 4, 11;
[28] St. Teresa,
Way, 6‐7
[28] cf. Interior Castle, V, 3,7‐12.
Teresa is aware of
the importance of mutual support
on the road of prayer
the importance of friendship with others
in the common search for God. [29]
[29] Cf. St. Teresa of Jesus,
Life, 15,5;
[29] Cf. St. Teresa of Jesus,
Life, 23,4;
She also considers as fundamental to such friendship,
culture, the human virtues, gentleness, empathy,
prudence, discretion, simplicity, kindness, joy
and availability,
as we seek
to "walk in truth before God and people". [30]
[30] Cf. St. Teresa of Jesus,
Mansions, VI, 10,6;
[30] Cf. St. Teresa of Jesus,
Way 40,3;
[30] Cf. St. Teresa of Jesus,
Way 41,7.
The doctrine of St. John of the Cross
points to union with God
by means of the theological virtues. [31]
[31] Cf. St. John of the Cross,
Ascent of Mount Carmel, II, 6, 1:1;
[31] Cf. St. John of the Cross,
Precautions, 5.
Based on this principle,
the Saint also sees
the purifying and unifying effect
of the theological virtues
in sisterly and brotherly relations.
This is particularly so in the exercise of love for others:
"Where there is no love,
put love,
and you will draw out love”,
because that is what the Lord does:
by loving us,
He makes us capable of loving. [32]
[32] St. John of the Cross,
Letter 26 to M. Maria of the Incarnation,
6 July 1591;
[32] St. John of the Cross,
cf. Letter 30, to a religious of Segovia;
[32] St. John of the Cross,
Ascent, III, 23,1;
[32] St. John of the Cross,
Dark Night, I, 2,1
[32] St. John of the Cross,
Dark Night I, 5,2
[32] St. John of the Cross,
Dark Night, I, 7,1
[32] St. John of the Cross,
Dark Night I, 12,7‐8
[32] St. John of the Cross,
Cf. Sayings, 27.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
24 - c )
A person, loyal to their Christian faith,
begins to be part of the Secular Order
through the promise made to the Community
before the Superior of the Order. [33]
[33] Cf. OCDS Constitutions, 12.
With the promise
a person is committed to live in communion
with the Church,
with the Order,
with the Province
and especially
with those who are part of the Community,
loving them and encouraging them
in the practice of the virtues. [34]
[34] Cf. Mansions, VII, 4, 14‐15.
In smaller communities [35]
[35] Cf. OCDS Constitutions, 58g
[35] and the Provincial Statutes
on the maximum number of members
in a Community.
it is possible to establish
a true and deep relationship of
human and spiritual friendship,
as well as
mutual support in charity and humility.
St. Teresa appreciates the assistance of another
in the spiritual life:
Love grows where there is respectful dialogue,
the purpose of which is
to know oneself better
so as to be pleasing to God. [36]
[36] Cf. St. Teresa, Life, 7,22
[36] Cf. St. Teresa, Life 16,7.
Community meetings take place
in a congenial atmosphere
of dialogue and sharing. [37]
[37] Cf. OCDS Constitutions, 18.
Prayer, formation and a joyful atmosphere are essential
for deepening friendly relationships and
ensuring for everyone mutual support
in the daily living-out
of the Teresian Carmelite lay vocation
in the family, at work and in other social situations.
This requires regular and active participation
in the life and meetings of the Community.
Absences are only allowed
for serious and just reasons,
evaluated and agreed to with those in charge.
The Provincial Statutes are to establish
a limit on unjustifiable absences,
beyond which, an individual will be considered
inactive and
liable for dismissal from the Community.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
24 - d )
The collective and individual responsibility
of the Community for formation [38]
[38] OCDS Raatio, 28.
requires that each individual member
commit to fraternal communion,
in the belief that a spirituality of communion [39]
[39] John Paul II,
Novo millennio ineunte, 43.
plays an essential role in the
deepening of the spiritual life and
formation process of the members.
The Eucharistic life,
lived in faith, [40]
[40] Francis, Lumen Fidei, 40.
and attentiveness to the Word of God [41]
[41] Benedict XVI,
Verbum Domini, 84‐85.
[41] Benedict XVI,
Cf. Id., Sacramentum Caritatis, 76. 82. 89.
help create and sustain communion.
The local authority of the Community
fulfills its service in faith, love and humility
( cf. Mt 20:28 )
( cf. Mk 10:43-45 )
( cf. Jn 13:14 ).
It encourages
a familial atmosphere
as well as
the human and spiritual growth of all the members.
It promotes
dialogue, personal sacrifice,
forgiveness and reconciliation.
It avoids all attachment to power and favoritism
in the exercise of office.
Prayer for one another,
mutual concern
that includes instances where there is
material need,
contact with members who are far away,
visiting the sick, the suffering, the elderly, and
prayer for the deceased members,
are also signs of communion.
The Secular Carmelite also
realizes and expresses communion
through meeting and solidarity with other communities,
especially within the same Province or Circumscription,
as well as through communication and collaboration
with the entire Order and family of the Teresian Carmel.
So, with this witness to communion
in accordance with the Teresian charism,
the Community of Secular Carmel cooperates
with the evangelizing mission of the Church
in the midst of the world. [42]
[42] Vatican Council II,
Apostolicam Actuositatem, 13
[42] Vatican Council II,
Apostolicam actuositatem, 19
[42] John Paul II,
Christifideles Laici, 31‐32;
[42] Cf. Benedict XVI, Deus Caritas Est, 20.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
24 -e )
A community that devoutly seeks God,
will find the balance between
individual rights
the good of the community as a whole.
Thus the rights and needs
of each of the members
must be respected and safeguarded
according to the laws of the Church, [43]
[43] Cf. Code of Canon Law,
can. 208‐223;
can. 224‐231.
but likewise,
members must faithfully fulfill their duties
in relation to the community,
as laid down in the Constitutions.
In order to dismiss a member [44]
[44] Cf. Code of Canon Law, can. 308;
[44] Cf. OCDS Constitutions, 47‐e.
for the reasons set out in the Code of Canon Law
( public rejection of the Catholic faith,
abandonment of ecclesiastical communion, or
being under imposed or declared excommunication )
[45] Code of Canon Law,
can. 316 §1.
or other provisions in the Provincial Statutes,
the Community Council should observe
the following procedure:
1) verify the certainty of the facts;
2) warn the member in writing,
or, before two witnesses;
3) allow a reasonable time for repentance.
If after all this there is no change,
it is permitted,
after consulting the Provincial,
to proceed with the dismissal.
In all cases,
the member retains the right to appeal
to the competent ecclesiastical authority. [46]
[46] Id., can. 316 §2.
[46] Cf. can. 312 §2
In the case where a member,
after a serious evaluation and discernment
with the Community Council,
comes to the decision to voluntarily leave the Community,
the request is to be made in writing
to the competent authority of the Community,
to whom they are committed
by reason of their promises. [47]
[47] Cf. OCDS Constitutions, 12.
The Provincial is to be informed of all of this.
Order of Secular Discalced Carmelites
( Secular Carmelite Rule of Life )
Section 1 Our Identity, Values, and Committment
Section 11 Following Jesus
in the Teresian Secular Carmel
Section 111 Witness to the experience of God
Section 1V Serving God's Plan
Section V With Mary, the Mother of Jesus