The Constitutions of the Secular Order
were drawn up
to strengthen the life purpose of its members, who form part of the Order of the Teresian Carmel.
They are called to
"to testify how the Christian faith constitutes
the only fully valid response
to the problems and hopes
that life poses to every person and society.” [44]
that life poses to every person and society.” [44]
[76] Christifideles Laici 34
This they fulfill as Carmelite Seculars
if, beginning with a commitment to contemplation,
they succeed in giving daily witness
in their family and social life
to “an integrated approach to life
that is fully brought about
by the inspiration and strength of the Gospel.” [77]
As Carmelite Seculars, sons and daughters
of Teresa of Jesus and John of the Cross,
they are called to “stand before the world as
a witness to the resurrection and life
of the Lord Jesus
a symbol of the living God", [78]
[78] Lumen Gentium 38
of service to evangelization and
by means of the witness
of a Christian and Carmelite community.
“All the laity
as a community and each one according to his ability
must nourish the world with spiritual fruits
(cf. Gal 5:22).
They must diffuse in the world that spirit
which animates the poor, the meek, the peace makers
whom the Lord in the Gospel proclaimed as blessed
Christians (and Carmelites) must be to the world
what the soul is to the body.” [79]
Order of Secular Discalced Carmelites ( Secular Carmelite Rule of Life ) Section 1 Our Identity, Values, and Committment Section 11 Following Jesus in the Teresian Secular Carmel Section 111 Witness to the experience of God Section 1V Serving God's Plan Section V With Mary, the Mother of Jesus |