1. Carmelite Seculars,
together with the Friars and Nuns,
are sons and daughters of
the Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
and St Teresa of Jesus.
and St Teresa of Jesus.
As a result, they share
the same charism with the religious,
each according to their particular state of life.
It is one family with
the same spiritual possessions,
the same call to holiness and
( cf. Ep 1:4;
1 P 1:15 )
the same apostolic mission.
( cf. Ep 1:4;
1 P 1:15 )
the same apostolic mission.
Secular members contribute to the Order
the benefits proper to their secular state of life. [2]
[2] Lumen Gentium LG #31;
Christifideles Laici CL # 9
the benefits proper to their secular state of life. [2]
[2] Lumen Gentium LG #31;
Christifideles Laici CL # 9
2. Our membership of the Order goes back
to the relationship established
between laity and members of religious Orders
born in the Middle Ages.
Gradually these relationships
took on an official character,
forming part of the religious Institute and
taking part in its charism and spirituality.
In light of the Church’s new theology of the laity,
Seculars live this membership
with a clear secular identity.
3. The members of the Secular Order
of Discalced Carmelites
are faithful members of the Church. [3]
[3]. CIC 204-205. Codex Iuris Canonici
called to live “in allegiance to Jesus Christ” [4]
[4] Albert’s Rule: Rule #2
through “friendship with the One we know loves us” [5]
[5] L 8:5. L – The Book of her Life
and in service to the Church.
Under the protection of Our Lady of Mount Carmel,
in the biblical tradition of the prophet Elijah
inspired by the teachings of St Teresa of Jesus
and St John of the Cross,
and St John of the Cross,
they seek to deepen their Christian commitment
received in Baptism.
received in Baptism.
4. The Virgin Mary is present
in a special way,
most of all as a model of faithfulness
in listening to the Lord and
in service to Him and to others.
Mary is the one who
preserved in her heart
the life and actions of her Son and
meditated on them [6]
[6] Lk 2: 51
providing for us an example of contemplation.
At Cana she counselled to do what the Lord commanded. [7]
Mary is an example of apostolic service.
[7] Jn 2:5
Mary is an example of apostolic service.
[7] Jn 2:5
On another occasion,
she waited,
persevering in prayer with the apostles, [8]
for the coming of the Holy Spirit,
thus giving witness to intercessory prayer.
[8] Ac 1:14
she waited,
persevering in prayer with the apostles, [8]
for the coming of the Holy Spirit,
thus giving witness to intercessory prayer.
[8] Ac 1:14
She is Mother of the Order.
Secular Carmel enjoys her special protection and
cultivates a sincere Marian devotion.
5. Elijah
represents the prophetical tradition of Carmel and
is an inspiration to
live in the presence of God,
seeking Him in solitude and silence
with zeal for God’s glory.
with zeal for God’s glory.
The Secular Carmelites live the prophetic dimension
of Christian life and Carmelite spirituality
by promoting God’s law of charity and truth in the world,
above all
by making themselves the voice for those
by making themselves the voice for those
who cannot, on their own,
express this love and this truth. [9]
[9] 1 Kings: chapter 17 -
2 Kings: chapter 2
6. The Rule of Saint Albert
is the original expression of the spirituality of Carmel.
It was written for the laypeople
who gathered on Mount Carmel
to live a life
to live a life
dedicated to meditation on the Word of God,
under the protection of Our Lady.
The following principles of that Rule guide Carmelite life:
a) Living in allegiance to Jesus Christ;
b) Being diligent in meditating on the law of the Lord;
c) Giving time to spiritual reading;
d) Participating in the Church’s Liturgy,
both the Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours;
e) Being concerned for the needs and the good
of others in the community;
of others in the community;
f) Arming ourselves with the practice of the virtues,
as we live an intense life
of faith, hope and charity;
of faith, hope and charity;
g) Seeking interior silence and solitude
in our life of prayer;
in our life of prayer;
h) Using prudent discretion in all that we do.
7. The origin of the Discalced Carmel
is to be found in St Teresa of Jesus.
She lived with profound faith in God’s mercy [10]
[10.] L 7:18,
L 38:16
which strengthened her to persevere in [11] prayer, humility,
love for her brothers and sisters, and
love for the Church,
leading her to the grace of spiritual matrimony.
[11] WP 21:2 Way of Perfection
Her evangelical self-denial,
disposition to service and
perseverance in the practice of the virtues
are a daily guide to living the spiritual life. [12]
[12.] IC V: 3: 11,
IC VII: 4: 6
disposition to service and
perseverance in the practice of the virtues
are a daily guide to living the spiritual life. [12]
[12.] IC V: 3: 11,
IC VII: 4: 6
Her teachings on
prayer and
the spiritual life
are essential to the formation and life
of the Secular Order.
of the Secular Order.
8. Saint John of the Cross
was the companion of Saint Teresa
in the formation of the Discalced Carmelite Order.
He inspires the Secular Carmelite to be vigilant
in the practice of faith, hope and charity.
He guides the Secular Carmelite through the dark night
to union with God.
In this union with God,
the Secular Carmelite finds the true freedom
of the children of God. [13]
of the children of God. [13]
[13.] Cf. Sayings 46;
[13.] LF 3:78;
[13.] II Ascent chapter 6
[13.] II Ascent chapter 29:6;
[13.] Collect of the Votive Mass
of St. John of the Cross
9. Taking into account
the origins of Carmel and the Teresian charism,
the fundamental elements of the vocation
of Teresian Secular Carmelites
of Teresian Secular Carmelites
can be summarized as follows:
a) to live in allegiance to Jesus Christ,
supported by the imitation and patronage
of the most Blessed Virgin Mary,
of the most Blessed Virgin Mary,
whose way of life is, for Carmel,
a model of being conformed to Christ.
a model of being conformed to Christ.
b) to seek “mysterious union with God”
by way of contemplation and apostolic activity,
indissolubly joined together, for service to the Church;
c) to give particular importance to prayer
which, nourished
by listening to the Word of God and
by the liturgy,
by listening to the Word of God and
by the liturgy,
is conducive to relating with God as a friend,
not just in prayer but in daily living.
To be committed to this life of prayer
demands being nourished
by faith, hope and, above all, charity
by faith, hope and, above all, charity
in order to live in the presence and the mystery
of the living God. [14]
of the living God. [14]
[14] Maxim and Counsels 40
Letter #19 October 12 1589
d) to infuse prayer and life with apostolic zeal in a climate of human and Christian community;
e) to live evangelical self-denial from a theological perspective;
f) to give importance to the commitment to evangelization: in the ministry of spirituality as the particular collaboration of the Secular Order, faithful to its Teresian Carmelite identity.____________________________________________
Order of Secular Discalced Carmelites
( Secular Carmelite Rule of Life )
Section 1 Our Identity, Values, and Committment
Section 11 Following Jesus
in the Teresian Secular Carmel
Section 111 Witness to the experience of God
Section 1V Serving God's Plan
Section V With Mary, the Mother of Jesus